Hello, and a very happy new year to you! So much has happened since I was here last summer.
In August, our middle son proposed to his darling girlfriend! We're so happy for them, and looking forward to a lovely little wedding in Alaska, next September.
In October, my husband and I took a road trip to Minnesota to see our one-year old baby granddaughter, and celebrate our eldest son's birthday. We had such a good time! I made a vegan chocolate birthday cake that really didn't taste vegan . . . if you know what I mean. ☺ It was delicious, and the recipe can be found here.
Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.
~ Hippocrates
Last year I gradually strayed away from a healthy plant-based vegan diet, by occasionally adding in both cheese and fish. But in December, I watched an excellent British documentary called Living Vegan that inspired me to get back on track and restart my vegan journey again in 2021.
I'm hoping to be here a little more often this year too.
Until then,
Peace and Blessings,