August 10, 2021

The Greenhouse


Hello, and welcome back to my blog.  Last summer my husband built this wonderful greenhouse near the back of our house.  It has two long raised ground beds, and plenty of room to grow our favorite veggies.

I planted all my seeds in April, and this Blue Curled Scotch Kale was the first veggie I was able to harvest.  It's been growing so well!  I've been making Kale Pasta, and putting it in Breakfast Smoothies all summer long.

I think these Parissienne Carrots are just about the cutest little carrots I've ever seen!  They're full-grown at 3 inches long, fat, and delicious.  The pelletted seeds would make a fun and easy vegetable for a child to grow.

 I should have transplanted these Green Bush Zucchini outside as soon as it was warm enough, because right now, they are huge!  They're taking up an entire corner of the greenhouse, and are encroaching on my little basil plants.  I planted six seeds,  and they're producing 3-5 large zucchini per plant.  It looks like I'll be giving some away, making a Mexican Lasagne or two, and coming up with a good zucchini bread recipe, that freezes well.

These Waltham 29 Broccoli are mostly growing enormous leaves!  I think it's too warm in the greenhouse for them, and like the zucchini, I should have transplanted them outside sooner.  I will next year.

When I come inside the house from the greenhouse, I pass through my flower garden.  This pretty purple flower is a type of Bellflower.  My husband likes to tie these 6-foot tall flowers upright when I'm not looking . . . I prefer them like this, growing wild and free.

Well, thank you for coming along with me on my little ramble through my greenhouse and garden.  Come again soon!


The power of finding beauty in the humblest things makes home happy and life lovely.

~ Louisa May Alcott

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