August 16, 2018

Late Summer

Temperatures are cooling down, and summer has almost come to an end in the kitchen,
and garden . . .

These perennial, 3 foot tall Shasta Daisies are called "Alaska".  I planted them from seeds several years ago, and they're still growing strong.

This Clematis "Jackmanni" climbing vine loves our west-facing porch, and will bloom until October.  I've read that this clematis is the world's most popular.  That's not hard to believe, it is beautiful!

It's time to go berry picking again . . .

. . this time for huckleberries.  These will be frozen, and made into jam later this fall.

In the kitchen . . .

. . another veggie quiche.
This one is filled with onions, mushrooms, garlic, beach asparagus, cilantro, and Monterey Jack cheese.  The garlic and cilantro are from my garden.  I love cooking with my own homegrown, or wild-harvested ingredients.

Early evening in the living room . . .

By this time next month, rooms will be lit with lamps and candles, instead of sunshine and flowers.

The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest.
~ Thomas Moore

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